Monday, January 25, 2010

A lot closer!!!

Well, if you haven't read it STOP here and read the previous post before you continue....

OK now that you have read it; when I said  "could be two months or two days" I was hoping it would be closer to the two days mark, so I guess being four days off is not bad at all... because today, 6 days after that post, we have received "the call" YES, YES, YES!!! We have a referral now, yes we know now who God wants to be our daughter and we say a big THANK YOU LORD!!   We'll give more details soon, all I can say now is that she is a beautiful girl and we are very very happy.


  1. Congratulations!!! I can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it!

  2. That is wonderful news. I am so excited for you and Patricia! I think about ya'll often and cannot believe how big the little one has gotten.

    Keep me posted on the progress.


  3. Gilbert & Patricia,
    This is great! Another one we can love,spoil and give chocolate to.
    We love you guys very much.
    Your adopted family,
    Clay, Judy, Cyndi & Lessa

  4. OMG ... this is wonderful!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!Yes please give me details .... I'm dying to know!!! I couldn't see your email anywhere in this site (or maybe I'm just too excited myself) but please send me an email to and let me know!!!!!

  5. We want to see pictures! Can't wait I'm so exicted!

  6. We are so very happy for all your family...

  7. Wahoo!!! That is awesome!!! I would love to take pics of your baby girl. Congratulations. I will email you with our address. We will hopefully be leaving on Friday 5th so you gotta get it in the mail soon.
