Saturday, December 5, 2009


I would like to have that gift of writing very nice and eloquent prose as many of you bloggers do. So, since I feel this writer’s block, I’ll just post a couple of pictures and maybe I should go fishing like my little guy is doing here…

If anybody out there has some tips for me please let me know I would like to read your comments.
 God bless everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting a coomnet on my blog! YOur photos are super! I too don't know how people can blog every day...even as chatty as I am and with as much going on as I have , somethimes I just don't feel that some thoughts or events are blog-worthy, or they just doesn't flow into a blog post. Judging by the absolute lack of comments sometimes I have figured out that a lot of people agree with me! But if I just blogged for comments and recognition, I'd probably feel very lonely! God has blessed us so richly in so many areas, and it sounds like He has blessed you similarly!! When do you anticipate traveling to Ethiopia? My friend and I are leaving in early Feb for her new daughter; trustfully our new son will be home closely on either side of that trip! I can not imagine life without the children God has brought into our family!
