Thursday, June 17, 2010

Does it get easier?

You would think that being this our second adoption, we would know how to handle it, how to keep our cool during the tough stages of the process, like the days prior to travel. Well, that’s what you would think!! Reality… very different! Your heart and mind go through so many ups and downs… kind of difficult to explain or even to comprehend, once it could be explained. There are feelings that you cannot describe with just a simple adjective; is not “just” happiness, or love, or sadness, or fear. The fibers of your heart get pulled in ways that you didn’t know it was possible. Nevertheless you keep walking and enjoy every possible aspect of the journey.

I know there are some readers that have gone through that process not only two, but a number of times and I wonder (well, I think I know) if it gets really easy after the fourth or fifth time?? Is it “just another process” at that point? [Please note the sarcasm in the questions].

We are leaving in less than 24 hrs. Aisha Mekdes, we’re coming! Please keep us on your prayers and we’ll update when we get back.