Sunday, March 14, 2010

Random update

While waiting for news on our court date we had a chance to see the African Children Choir. It was a very nice show and our son had a chance to wear our experimental T-shirt painting prototype, not too bad for a first try.

No photography was allowed in the theater so I don't know how this happened!!  wink!

On preparing for our daugther we had also been "nesting" which included painting most of the house; with some help as you can see!!!

Still the wait is stressing, but our little guy is finding another way to cope with it...

Hopefully we have an announcement for next week... waiting on God!!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Waiting for court date!!!

Thank you Lord for them:

Our son Adiel, who thanks God has always been relatively healthy, wasn’t feeling too good today. After church, we had to stop at work to pick up some medicine for him and while I was doing a quick organizing there, the following conversation happened:

Him: Daddy…?

Me: Yes son?

Him: Can you give me a hug? Because I’m still sick.

Well, it didn’t take me a second to drop what I was doing and to have him on my lap giving him a strong and long hug.

I should mention, he shows his love to us every day, nevertheless, he is not the cuddly type, so as much as I dislike seeing him sick, I enjoy those moments when he requires from us something like “just a hug”.

(We still got to take a couple of pictures by the river)

Now, back to Ethiopia… well, we still are waiting for the court date. We should know about it this week, praying for it!

Hopefully we’ll have more news soon, have a blessed week!!!