After 15 years of marriage, or should I say honeymoon? The seed in our hearts about completing our family had grown to be something that we couldn’t hold inside for much longer.
We had talked about adoption for some time but not seriously enough to consider acting on it. But now, (that’s 2003) we finally noticed that we were not getting any younger and if we wanted to expand our family we needed to do something, either medical treatment or adoption.
It didn’t take much research to get us hooked (especially me, “dad”) on the idea of adoption. Medical treatment was still a promising option and we entertained the idea for some time, but once we asked ourselves, why not adoption? No answer was found that would make a good argument against adoption.
So in July 2003; after we prayed to God for guidance, we embarked on this metaphorical adoption boat. [We were unaware that our son had been born at about the same time that the “family seed" was germinating in our hearts] I’ll spare you the details of the 3+ months of paper chasing, the gathering of financial resources, the educating our families about adoption (that wasn’t too bad), the waiting, and waiting, the trip arrangement and a few other “details” needed to complete this process; did I mention the waiting?
So, after that long wait for our “infant girl” as we had requested --God has some sense of humor! -- Here’s the punch line: we receive the referral for this awesome 2 and a half years old BOY! Needless to say, our Lord really knew what we needed. Adiel (Carlito) has been quite a blessing for our family, thank you Jesus!
These are pictures from the trip in Sep 2005 to bring our son from The Philippines to Arkansas